The Bearded Butchers

Bearded Butcher Blend Taco Seasoning 7oz Large Shaker


7 oz. Large Shaker

Clean Spices, Classic Flavor & Endless Options: Bearded Butcher Taco Seasoning delivers a rich, full-flavored blend of authentic Mexican spices. Perfect for tacos, fajitas, tortilla soup, chili con carne, stuffed peppers, eggs, nachos, rice, beans, and more! 

Our never-ending pursuit of delicious, clean, full-flavored seasonings led us to one of our favorite meals - the Taco. We wanted a seasoning blend with no flavorless wheat, corn or soy fillers, chemicals or fake flavor enhancers. Our Taco Seasoning is the real deal, so you can stop your search here!  This blend of authentic spices is perfectly balanced and bursting with vibrant flavors from the Southwest. 

This mild-chili pepper based Taco seasoning is a mouthwatering treat! Enjoy marinated skirt steaks fajitas, seasoned up Huevos Rancheros, grilled Tex-Mex chicken or classic ground beef tacos with our delicious Bearded Butcher Taco Seasoning. 

Ingredients: Spices (Including Paprika), Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, Rice Flour 


  • NO MSG


Season to taste. We suggest 2-3 Tbsp (~20grams) of seasoning per 1lb of ground or thinly sliced fajita style meat.  

Our Bearded Butcher Blend Seasoning is free of anti-caking agents, and MSG, giving you a pure and natural seasoning that's perfect for elevating your dishes. So get creative and explore new ways to use this blend, and discover the unbeatable taste of stepping up your game.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Kay Christiansen
Taco seasoning

This is the BEST seasoning out there! Great job on developing this one. I'll be getting more of this!

Jeff Leko
Best Taco Seasoning

Bearded Butchers taco seasoning is amazing. No need to look for another taco seasoning! They have perfected it!


Very good Taco seasoning

John Crawford
Great product! Awesome customer service!

My last order was the buy one get one 12pk. beef summer sausage special. I ordered a 7oz. shaker of your new Taco seasoning as well. My friends and family are all into great eats n grillin. Your team, videos staff and seasoning variety ROCK the MEATS!

Awesome Product

Great flavor at a great price. I will definitely be placing a order for other seasonings in the future.